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发布时间: 2023-07-14 06:38:42

㈠ “我喜欢看武侠小说言情小说”这句话英语怎么翻译

分类: 教育孝老/科学 >> 外语学习

i like to read kung fu fiction and romance fiction

言情小说千万不要说love story, 我就这么握裤说过,解释了半天外国人也不懂段慎简

㈡ 怎样把金庸的十四部武侠小说的名字译成英语

1.The story of the Book and the Sword(书剑恩仇录)
2.Crimson Sabre(碧血剑)
3. The Legend of the Condor Heroes(射雕英雄传)
4.The Condor Heroes Return(神雕侠侣)
5. Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre(倚天屠龙记)
6. The Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain(雪山飞狐)
7. Flying Fox: Outside Stories(飞狐外传)
8. Lin Shink Kuet(连城诀)
9. Demi Gods and Semi Devils(天龙八部)
10. Island of No return-Xia Ko Shin-Hap Kak Hang(侠客行)
11. Laughing proudly in the world-So Ho kang Ho(笑傲江湖)
12. Duke of Mount Deer(鹿鼎记)
Short Stories
13. Sword of the Yueh Maiden.(越女剑)
14. Yuen Yang Swords(鸳鸯刀)
15. White Horse Neighing in the West Wind(白马啸西风)

㈢ “我喜欢看武侠小说和言情小说”这句话英语怎么翻译

i like to read kung fu fiction and romance fiction
言情小说千万不要说love story, 我就这么说过,解释了半天外国人也不懂

㈣ 请问"江湖"(即武侠小说所说的江湖)英文怎么说

江湖:"bohemian" / "the underworld"

The Jiānghú (江湖; Cantonese: gong woo) world is the milieu, environment, or sub-community, often fictional, in which many Chinese classical wuxia stories are set. The term can be translated literally as "rivers and lakes". Metaphorically, however, it refers not to a physical place or geographic location but to the wild and romanticized domain of secret societies, gangs, fighters, entertainers, prostitutes, assassins, thieves, actors, beggars, and wanderers that is roughly the Chinese equivalent to the English terms "bohemian" and "the underworld". In many wuxia novels, the people who are not a part of the jianghu life may not even realize that the person sitting next to them in a tea house is a renowned assassin or that a normal seeming town is affiliated to a secret society behind the scenes.

The term originally started in Chinese literature in the more literal sense of "rivers and lakes" to denote an unsettled geographic area. In medieval China, outlaws often fled to the frontiers, returning only to prey upon the law-abiding world. The roots of jianghu wuxia (frontier heroes) go back at least as far as the 12th century novel Water Margin (水浒传), in which a band of noble outlaws retreated to a swampy hideout and mounted sorties in an attempt to right the wrongs of the corrupt officials. Over time, especially in the wuxia novel tradition, the term eventually took on the more metaphoric meaning.

In modern days, the term jianghu is frequently used to refer to the triads and the secret societies of gangsters. A 2004 movie entitled Jiang Hu starring Andy Lau and Jacky Cheung is about the gangster societies in Hong Kong.


Wulin (武林) is the fictional society of wuxia and a part of the broader Jianghu. The term literally translates to "Forest of fighters".

跳去: 定向, 搵嘢








* 「名震江湖」:即系喺一个领域里面打出名堂,个大名全天下人都听过;
* 「江湖路险」:即系话个领域危机四伏,要力争上游系会遇到好多危险;
* 「血染江湖」:顾名思义即系喺个领域里面中咗招;
* 「江湖不归路」、「人在江湖,身不由己」:有好多领域唔系话可以话唔玩就唔玩,入咗去就冇得返转头;又或者有时有啲嘢系好想做,或者好想退出,但系身边嘅嘢令到自己唔可以话想点就点,冇选择余地。


㈤ “武侠”英语怎么翻译

武侠 [wǔ xiá]
武侠:Wuxia|Wu Xia Pian
武侠片:sowordsmen film|swordsmen movie

本人原创了一个翻译 : wit (简写) Wushu Imagination Tale

㈥ 武侠用英语怎么说

问题一:武侠片用英语怎么说 knight errant slice 指书籍类武侠片 sword *** en movie 指电影类武侠片

问题二:“武侠小说”用英语怎么说 “武侠小说”
Wuxia novels

问题三:武侠小说怎么用英文说 10分 martial arts novel 这个应该是最标准的 因为你输入这个到翻译机里去,翻译出来的就是“武侠小说” 呵呵,希望对你有帮助,最佳答案给我呀:)

问题四:射雕英雄传天龙八部,这些武侠剧用英语怎么说 天龙八部在创作的时候,金庸的思想已经靠近佛学,天龙八部本身就是出自佛经的一个词,因此,天龙八部最重要的自然不是爱情,即使是描写段誉以爱情为主的这条线路,也是以无爱的心态来写,认为男女情爱多为孽缘,如果楼主想看缠绵悱恻又忠诚如一的爱情故事,不天龙八部。倚天屠龙记虽然是写张无忌,但作者初衷是想描写张翠山、张三丰和张无忌三个男人之间的感情,当然其中爱情描写相对较纳纯为细腻,但由于主人公本身性格软弱,各悔返位女主角性格较强,作者想显示出女子的丈夫气、女子的心机与厉害之处,所以这部小说爱情较乱,男主角感情不坚定。如果喜欢神雕侠侣,建议去看射雕英雄传,因为射雕三部曲中,射雕与神雕联系较多,男女主角的爱情相当洞前咐坚定而美好,已经成为了一种经典模式。

问题五:“江湖”这个词用英语怎么说啊? all corners of the country
江湖:bohemian / the underworld
The Jiānghú (江湖; Cantonese: gong woo) world is the milieu, environment, or sub-munity, often fictional, in which many Chinese classical wuxia stories are set. The term can be translated literally as rivers and lakes. Metaphorically, however, it refers not to a physical place or geographic location but to the wild and romanticized domain of secret societies, gangs, fighters, entertainers, prostitutes, assassins, thieves, actors, beggars, and wanderers that is roughly the Chinese equivalent to the English terms bohemian and the underworld. In many wuxia novels, the people who are not a part of the jianghu life may not even realize that the person sitting next to them in a tea house is a renowned assassin or that a normal seeming town is affiliated to a secret society behind the scenes.
The term originally started in Chinese literature in the more literal sens of rivers and lakes to denote an unsettled geographic area. In medieval China, outlaws often fled to the frontiers, returning only to prey upon the law-abiding world. The roots of jianghu wuxia (frontier heroes) go back at least as far as the 12th century novel Water Margin (水浒传), in which a band of noble outlaws retreated to a swampy hideout and mounted sorties in an attempt to right the wrongs of the corrupt officials. Over time, especially in the wuxia novel tradition, th......>>

问题六:传统武侠小说的英语怎么翻译 可能是 chivalrous kongfunovel

㈦ 金庸的武侠小说有没有比较受认可的英译本

关于金庸小说的英文版 如下

其英文版的书名为《The Book & The Sword》(香港牛津大学出版社) 译者Graham Earnshaw为英文杂志的主编
他花了十年时间翻译此书,最后由知名汉学家闵福德(John Minford)夫妇加以审订。
闵福德曾与他的老师霍克斯(David Hawks)一起翻译过全套124回《红楼梦》,被视为有关《红楼梦》英译的最佳版本。



现下,金庸武侠小说的英译本不多,较早有香港中文大学出版社于1993年出版的《雪山飞狐》(Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain)。
《The Book and the Sword》(《书剑恩仇录》,全一册)
牛津大学出版社,译:恩沙(Graham Earn Shaw);
监修:闵福德(John Minford)、Rachel May

《The Deer and the Cauldron》(《鹿鼎记》,3册))
牛津大学出版社,译:闵福德(John Minford)

《The Legend of the Condor Heroes》(《射雕英雄传》)已停止。

《Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain》(《雪山飞狐》,全一册)香港中文大学出版社,译:莫锦屏(Olivia Mok)

㈧ “武侠小说”的英语怎么说

Martial arts novels"

㈨ 书籍种类有哪些(用英语说) 如: biography——人物传记 science fiction


1、Martial arts novel 武侠类

2、Adventure 探险类

3、Horror 恐怖类

4、Mystery novel 悬疑类

5、History 历史类

6、phylosophy 哲学类

7、poem 诗歌类



2、悬疑小说(Mystery novel ),是以一个悬念贯穿始终并且解开的小说,其内容和题材相对自由广泛,不像恐怖小说通常都会有让人感到害怕的场景和气氛,悬疑小说则未必要有。

代表作品:托马斯.哈里斯《沉默的羔羊》系列、南派三叔《盗墓笔记》、时晨《水浒猎人》、何慕《三国谍影》、唐隐《大唐悬疑录》、白鹿无涯《这个剧组有鬼》、 岳勇《诡案罪》等。

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