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㈠ 英文短中篇小說,難易適中哈,3500-4000字,翻譯老師作業,最好是比較著名的哈,謝謝了,!!不勝感激~

Alan Austen, as nervous as a kitten, went up certain dark and creaky stairs in the neighborhood of Pell Street, and peered about for a long time on the dim landing before he found the name he wanted written obscurely on one of the doors.

He pushed open this door, as he had been told to do, and found himself in a tiny room, which contained no furniture but a plain kitchen table, a rocking chair, and an ordinary chair. On one of the dirty, buff-coloured walls were a couple of shelves, containing in all perhaps a dozen bottles and jars.

An old man sat in the rocking chair, reading a newspaper. Alan, without a word, handed him the card he had been given. "Sit down, Mr. Austen," said the old man very politely. "I am glad to make your acquaintance."

"Is it true," asked Alan, "that you have a certain mixture that has... er... quite extraordinary effects?"

"My dear sir," replied the old man, "my stock in trade is not very large — I don't deal in laxatives and teething mixtures — but such as it is, it is varied. I think nothing I sell has effects which could be precisely described as ordinary."

"Well, the fact is..." began Alan.

"Here, for example," interrupted the old man, reaching for a bottle from the shelf. "Here is a liquid as colourless as water, almost tasteless, quite imperceptible in coffee, wine, or any other beverage. It is also quite imperceptible to any known method of autopsy."

"Do you mean it is a poison?" cried Alan, very much horrified.

"Call it a glove-cleaner if you like," said the old man indifferently. "Maybe it will clean gloves. I have never tried. One might call it a life-cleaner. Lives need cleaning sometimes."

"I want nothing of that sort," said Alan.

"Probably it is just as well," said the old man. "Do you know the price of this? For one teaspoonful, which is sufficient, I ask five thousand dollars. Never less. Not a penny less."

"I hope all your mixtures are not as expensive," said Alan apprehensively.

"Oh dear, no," said the old man. "It would be no good charging that sort of price for a love potion, for example. Young people who need a love potion very seldom have five thousand dollars. Otherwise they would not need a love potion."

"I am glad to hear that," said Alan.

"I look at it like this," said the old man. "Please a customer with one article, and he will come back when he needs another. Even if it is more costly. He will save up for it, if necessary."

"So," said Alan, "you really do sell love potions?

"If I did not sell love potions," said the old man, reaching for another bottle, "I should not have mentioned the other matter to you. It is only when one is in a position to oblige that one can afford to be so confidential."

"And these potions," said Alan. "They are not just... just... er...

"Oh, no," said the old man. "Their effects are permanent, and extend far beyond the mere casual impulse. But they include it. Oh, yes they include it. Bountifully, insistently. Everlastingly."

"Dear me!" said Alan, attempting a look of scientific detachment. "How very interesting!"

"But consider the spiritual side," said the old man.

"I do, indeed," said Alan.

"For indifference," said the old man, "they substitute devotion. For scorn, adoration. Give one tiny measure of this to the young lady — its flavour is imperceptible in orange juice, soup, or cocktails — and however gay and giddy she is, she will change altogether. She will want nothing but solitude and you."

"I can hardly believe it," said Alan. "She is so fond of parties."

"She will not like them any more," said the old man. "She will be afraid of the pretty girls you may meet."

"She will actually be jealous?" cried Alan in a rapture "Of me?"

"Yes, she will want to be everything to you."

"She is, already. Only she doesn't care about it."

"She will, when she has taken this. She will care intensely. You will be her sole interest in life."

"Wonderful!" cried Alan.

"She will want to know all you do," said the old man. "All that has happened to you ring the day. Every word of it. She will want to know what you are thinking about, why you smile suddenly, why you are looking sad."

"That is love!" cried Alan.

"Yes," said the old man. "How carefully she will look after you! She will never allow you to be tired, to sit in a draught, to neglect your food. If you are an hour late, she will be terrified. She will think you are killed, or that some siren has caught you."

"I can hardly imagine Diana like that!" cried Alan, overwhelmed with joy.

"You will not have to use your imagination," said the old man. "And, by the way, since there are always sirens, if by any chance you should, later on, slip a little, you need not worry. She will forgive you, in the end. She will be terribly hurt, of course, but she will forgive you — in the end."

"That will not happen," said Alan fervently

"Of course not," said the old man. "But, if it did, you need not worry. She would never divorce you. Oh, no! And, of course, she will never give you the least, the very least, grounds for — uneasiness."

"And how much," said Alan, "is this wonderful mixture?"

"It is not as dear," said the old man, "as the glove-cleaner, or life-cleaner, as I sometimes call it. No. That is five thousand dollars, never a penny less. One has to be older than you are, to inlge in that sort of thing. One has to save up for it."

"But the love potion?" said Alan.

"Oh, that," said the old man, opening the drawer in the kitchen table, and taking out a tiny, rather dirty-looking phial. "That is just a dollar."

"I can't tell you how grateful I am," said Alan, watching him fill it.

"I like to oblige," said the old man. "Then customers come back, later in life, when they are better off, and want more expensive things. Here you are. You will find it very effective."

"Thank you again," said Alan. "Good-bye."

"Au revoir," said the man.

㈡ 高中英語短篇小說求推薦




如果讀原著小說,莫泊桑 歐亨利 契科夫 的都挺好,但是有生僻詞。

㈢ 介紹一些好看的英語小說,最好每句英語下面帶有中文!!!!!!

建議你去看一下 書蟲 你去書店買是買的到的,書蟲是一面是英文一面是漢語翻譯,適合初中生高一的閱讀的書籍,它有很多名著 的書比如第一級

㈣ 求推薦一本適合高中生的英語文章,或小說,要求要有中文翻譯的。


簡愛 不錯 我高中看得就是這個


建議讀 書蟲 系列的書,詞彙量小,但是又可以增加一定的詞彙量,提起自身閱讀興趣。


21世紀英語報(21century teens)
China Daily




五年高考 三年模擬
出 版 社: 首都師范大學出版社
出版時間: 2008-6-1
開本: 大16開
I S B N : 9787810648233


如下第一場:Little Red Riding Hood家
Mum: (媽媽拿著一個籃子,把桌紫的水果放在籃子里)
Little Red Riding Hood:(唱著歌,歡快地跑進來)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?
Mum: (一邊把水果放在籃子里,心事重重地說)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.
Little Red Riding Hood:(邊提起籃子,邊點頭說)Ok!
Mum: (親切地看著Little Red Riding Hood說) Be good. Be careful.
Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.
Mum: Bye-bye. Darling.
(一陣輕快的音樂遠而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎著籃子蹦跳租睜跳地跳到花草旁)
Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下籃子採花)One flower ,o flowers, three flowers.
Wolf:(隨著一陣低沉的音樂,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找東西狀,東張西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的樣子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)
Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辮子,天真地回答)To Grandma』s.Grandma is ill.
Wolf:(自言自語)I' ll eat Grandma. But……(對Little Red Riding Hood說)Hey, look! 6 little baby cks.
Little Red Riding Hood:(和6隻鴨子隨著音樂翩翩起舞)
Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby cks,how are you?
Six Ducks:We』 re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?
Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma』s.Oh, I must go, bye.
Six Ducks:Goodbye.
Grandma: (喘著氣出場,顫顫悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床邊,喘了幾口,打幾個哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)
Wolf:(從樹後出來,邊走邊說)I am very hungry now. (做找尋的樣子)Where is Grandma』 s house? (高興地對觀眾說)Aha , it』s here.(敲門)Bang, Bang, Bang.
Grandma: Who is it?
Wolf:(裝出Little Red Riding Hood的聲音,一邊得意地搖動尾巴,一邊說)It』s me. Little Red Riding H ood.
Grandma: (邊說邊起床) Come in, e in.
Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床邊) Grandma , I』ll eat you.
Grandma: (驚慌失措地抓緊衣服,瞪著眼睛,邊叫迫從床上滾到地上)
Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翹起大拇指)Yummy!I』ll sleep.
Little Red Riding Hood:(高興地敲門)Grandma.Grandma.
Wolf:(裝扮成Grandma的聲音) Who is it?
Little Red Riding Hood:It』s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise!
Wolf:Come in, Come in.
Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳著進來,把籃子放在桌紫,走到床前一看,跳回幾步)Oh! What are big ears!
Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.
Little R



獅子座女生適合的英文名,要有中文翻譯 求推薦,謝謝

Chris 充滿自信
Alex 保護者
Claire 聰明的
Ketherine 神聖
Amber 寶石


建議去書店英語專櫃找書蟲系列的英語讀物!貌似都是名著 可是是中英對譯的 !蠻有幫助!



㈤ 跪求3-5篇英語短篇小說的主要內容與人物評價!!!(用英文!~)

2. In a small town of st petersburg, have a very naughty, but a good boy, tom, he hates school for the insipidity of the life, hoping that can and the like the exciting life. one day, tom and huckleberry had left home and went to a desert island, a few days of his life. they know that a case, a critical moment, tom has a very fierce : joe. tom was afraid of retaliation by joe,Was always uneasy. he and huckleberry a haunted house when he found joe, then the murderer death in the cave. tom and huck ley had a lot of coins.

1。The old man and the sea is a fisherman eighty-four days have hooked a fish, and nearly died of hunger ; but he still wouldn't admit defeat in the eighty-fifth day catches a great fish. fish mullin pulled the boat to the sea, but the old man still held, even if there is no water, no food, no, no, he does not lose heart. after two days and nights later, he eventually killed the fish, and put it on a ship.But many of the shark was immediately come to rob him of killing them, all ; him to last only a broken on the tiller as a weapon. however, the fish were still wet, finally, the old man just dragged a 魚骨 head. he went home in bed, from dreams of yesteryear to find a good time.

㈥ 有什麼好看的短一點的英文小說MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


最後還有看看漫畫,我喜歡看《丁丁歷險記》(The Adventure of Tintin)。主要是字很少,哈哈。有出系列動畫片。
另外,歐美的漫畫取材也很眾多,有一部漫畫《遠山的棄兒》(Freaks Of The Heartland),說了一個專出怪胎的村莊中兄弟倆的故事,故事很陰暗,倒也很溫情。很有點深度的。。。。。

㈦ 求英文短篇小說,謝謝各位.

Black Horse 黑駿馬

Jed got to the top of the mountain and sat down to rest. The July sun had made him hot.

It had been a long walk to the top and he was tired. He knew the horse he was trying to capture could not be too far away. He looked at the mountain and the valleys below, searching footmarks left by the horse.

Then he saw the marks going down the other side of the mountain. He must capture the horse. He knew better men than he had tried. Tom Raglan, the best rancher in the state, had tried with the help of his cowboys.

But they had not been able to capture it. It had gotten away from others, too. They all said it was too wild. It could not be captured.

After a slow, painful walk down the mountain, Jed came to a cool-looking river. He drank the clear water.順著山路向下,慢慢地、艱難地走了一段之後,傑德到達一條水看上去十分清澈的河邊,喝了幾口河水。

Further down the valley he saw the black horse. It stood under a tree out of the sun. Jed moved closer, then hid behind a tree to watch. It was the biggest and blackest and blackest he had ever seen.

Jed knew all about horse. He had grown into a man caring for them. He had never earned more than '10 but he had dreams: If he could get a male and female house and 10 hectares of land, he could sell horses. That would be all the happiness Jed wanted.

Night came. The big black house moved from under the tree and began to eat grass near the river. Jed watched again. A few hours later, he found a soft place in the ground. He placed his head against an old fallen tree and slept.

The next day he woke with the sun. His eyes searched for the horse, and there it was, grazing. Jed saw how it ate, then lifted its head and looked all around. It was the mark of the wild, always looking for hidden danger.

Jed started to walk toward the horse. The horse stopped eating and looking at Jed. Jed's heart began to beat heavily. Men had said the horse was a killer. Still, he walked closer.

Fifteen meters away from the horse Jed stopped. The horse had lifted its front feet high in the air, then placed them heavily back on the ground. Jed moved closer. He talked to the horse in a soft voice.

Then, with a loud scream, the horse turned and ran down the valley. Jed sank to the ground wet with excitement. He had done what no man had done.

He had almost touched the wild horse. The animal was not a killer. If it had been, Jed would be dead now.

For six days he followed the horse. He rested when the horse rested. Jed did not like the land they were in now. The sides of the valley were high and filled with big rocks. Few trees were around. And the bottom of the valley was soft and wet.

Jed watched the horse a while, and then lay down to sleep.

In the middle of the night, he was awakened by thunder and rain. He walked up the rocks until he found a dry hole, safe from the rain, and he slept again.

The next day was cold and wet. Heavy rains had softened the bottom of the valley. He followed the house most of the day. The wet valley was the only place it could walk now.

The sides of the valley had gotten higher. Toward evening he saw it again. But this time there was fear in its face. He stopped and watched. The horse's nose was smelling the air. It smelled danger. It smelled danger.

Jed thought of wild animals, a wildcat(鏈接至同目錄下wildcat)or bear maybe. He pulled his knife from his pants. He looked among the rocks but saw nothing.

He began walking toward the horse. The wildcat could have been on either side of the valley. He walked slowly, trying to watch both sides at the same time.

Slowly he came to the horse's side. Jed kept watching the rocks. If the cat was going to attack, it would do it now. He felt the excitement of danger.

Suddenly the silence was broken. The black horse screamed loudly, a cry of fear. It began running down the wet valley.

At the same time there was a heavy, deep noise from the rocks. Then it happened. Tons of wet earth and big rocks began moving down the sides of the mountain. The land itself was the enemy.

When the air became clear, Jed looked for the horse. In front of him were tons of the fallen earth. He could not see down the valley and could not see the horse.


He slowly climbed over the fallen rocks. On the other side was the horse, more frightened than ever. Its legs were stuck in the soft earth and it could not move. The more it struggled, the deeper it sank in the mud.

他慢慢地爬過那些落下來的岩石。馬在這個石土堆的另一邊,看上去比先前更加恐懼。它的腿陷入了軟土裡,動彈不得。 而它越掙扎,就在泥中陷的越深。

Jed walked toward the animal. Each step he took, the soft mud tried to suck him down, too. He walked on the grassy places harder than the mud.


When he got to the horse, it was in the mud up to his stomach. Now it could move only its head. Jed felt wildly happy when he touched the horse. 「Don't struggle and do not worry, Horse! I'll get you out!」


Suddenly he felt the horses teeth on his arm. He bit his lip to stop it from crying aloud. His free hand gently calmed the horse and slowly it let go. It pressed its nose against Jed's face. At last they were friends.


Now Jed could go to work. He studied the problem carefully. He had no way to lift the big horse from the mud. Certainly his rope was not strong enough.


He began to pull the mud away with his hands. But more mud fell into the hole he g. He ran to the rocks that had fallen down the mountain. He took off his shirt and filled it with rocks. He g again.


Only this time, he placed rocks in the holes he g. The rocks stayed still and slowly a wall began to form. He did this through the day and when night came, his hands were bloody, torn by the sharp rocks.


He knew night would be a bad time for the horse. He did not want it to become frightened and struggle against the wall of rock he was building in the mud.


He cut some small trees, laid them on the ground next to the horse and all through the night, he spoke soft, kind words to it to calm its fears.


The next morning, he brought grass for it to eat and began his work again. It was slow, hard work. When night came, he lay next to the horse again. He did not want it to struggle yet. The time had not come for the test.


By the middle of the next day, he had enough rocks in the mud on one side of the horse. Now he began to dig near the houses front legs. His rocks began to make the mud harder. The horse was able to move a little.


And when the pressure became less, it raised one of its front legs on to the rocks. It pushed against the rocks on its side and lifted its body a little out of the mud.


Jed got his rope and tied it around the horses neck. He began to pull on the rope.


The horse felt the pull and struggled with all its power against the mud. It raised its other front leg on the rocks and with a mighty push with its back legs and with Jed pulling on its neck, it moved forward toward hard land.


Jed fell on the earth, happy but tired. He had not eaten for three days. He had slept little. Half sleep, he felt the horses nose push against his face. He jumped to his feet and when he brought grass for the horse it made friendly noises and playfully pushed him.


A week later, a big black horse rode on the land owned by Tom Raglan. It stopped near the ranch house. A little man got off the horses back. Tom Raglan looked at the horse with eyes that did not believe. Finally he said: "You got him."


"I got him, Tom, and I brought him back as I said I would."


Raglan looked at the horse. Above all, he was a horseman and there was no need for Jed to tell him how he captured it. Jed's tired face, his torn hands, dirty clothes and thin body told the story.


「Jed,」 Raglan said. 「that horse will kill anyone except you. I do not want it. But I have not forgotten my promise."


"I will give you some land and the old house in back of the ranch if you will keep the horse there. I pay you '30 a month, if you will let me send my female horses to the black horse."


"I want the black horse's blood in my horses. And you can keep every seventh horse for yourself.」


Jed put his arm around the black horse. The black horse was his. His dream had come true. It was too much all at once.


㈧ 經典短篇英文小說

1.《生火》傑克.倫敦 To Build a Fire (Jack LondonP
2.《厄謝爾府的倒塌》 愛倫.坡
The Fall of the House of Usher (Edgar Allan Poe)
3.《項鏈》莫泊桑 The Necklace (Guy de Maupassant)
4.《警察與贊美詩》歐.亨利 The Cop and the Anthem
(O Henry)
5.《麥琪的禮物》歐.亨利 Magi's gift (O Henry)
6.《最後一片藤葉》歐.亨利 The Last Leaf (O Henry)
7.《加利維拉縣有名的跳蛙》馬克.吐溫 The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
(Mark Twain)
The Five Boons of Life (Mark Twain)
9.《三生客》 托馬斯.哈代 The Three Strangers
(Thomas Hardy)
10.《敞開的落地窗》薩基 The Open Window (Saki)
11.《末代佳人》菲茨傑拉德 The Last of the Belles
12.《手》舍伍德.安德森 Hands
13.《伊芙琳》詹姆斯.喬伊斯 Eveline

㈨ 英語短篇小故事帶翻譯簡單【10篇】

【 #能力訓練# 導語】英語是世界上通用的語言,而英語的學習是很枯燥的,想要學好英語不妨先從閱讀英語故事開始。從英文故事中學習,提高英文水平。從故事中學習,學到人生的哲理。下面是 分享的凳肢英語短篇小故事帶翻譯簡單【10篇】。歡迎閱讀參考!


A wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, "Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you.

"Why don't you work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly?"

"I would have no objection," said the wolf, "if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog. "Come with me to my master, and you shall share my work."

So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog's neck.He felt quite surprised, and asked him why it was like that?

"Oh, it is nothing," said the dog. "Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up. You will soon get used to it."

"Is that the only reason?" said the wolf. "Then good-bye to you, my friend. I would rather be free."






寓意: 自由比安樂更重要。


When a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down beside him. This soon wakened the lion. He was very angry, and caught the mouse in his paws.

"Forgive me, please." cried the little mouse. "I may be able to help you someday." The lion was tickled at these words.

He thought, "How could this little mouse help me?" However he lifted up his paws and let him go.

A few days later, the lion was caught in a trap.

The hunters wanted to take him alive to the king, so they tied him to a tree, and went away to look for a wagon.

Just then the little mouse passed by, and saw the sad lion.

He went up to him, and soon gnawed away the ropes. "Was I not right?" asked the little mouse.






寓意: 有些朋友也許平時看似微不足道,但卻有可能在我們身處困境的時候提供巨大的幫助。


an old woman had a cat. the cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. one day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. but she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. she began to hit the cat. the cat said, "do not hit your old servant. i have worked for you for many years, and i would work for you still, but i am too old. do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."





A wild ass1 saw a pack-ass jogging along under a heavy load, and taunted2 him with the condition of slavery in which he lived, in these words: "What a vile3 lot is yours compared with mine! I am free as the air, and never do a stoke of work; and, as for fodder4, I have only to go to the hills and there I find far more than enough for my needs. But you! You depend on your master for food, and he makes you carry heavy loads every day and beats you unmercifully." At that moment a lion appeared on the scene, and made no attempt to molest5 the pack-ass owing to the presence of the driver, but he fell upon the wild ass, who had no one to protect him, and without more ado made a meal of him.

It is no use being your own master unless you can stand up for yourself.




A singing-bird was confined1 in a cage which hung outside a window, and had a way of singing at night when all other birds were asleep. One night a bat came and clung2 to the bars of the cage, and asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night. "I have a very good reason for doing so," said the bird: "it was once when I was singing in the daytime that a fowler was attracted by my voice, and set his nets for me and caught me. Since then I have never sung except by night." But the bat replied, "It is no use your doing that now when you are a prisoner. If only you had done so before you were caught, you might still have been free."

Precautions3 are useless after the event.




Long ago,there was a big cat in the house. He caught many mice while they were stealingfood.

One day the mice had a meetingto talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this,, andsome said that.

At last a young mouse gotup, and said that he had a good idea.

"We could tie a bellaround the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound ofthe bell, and run away."

Everyone approved of thisproposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, "That is all very well,but who will tie the bell to the cat?" The mice looked at each other, butnobody spoke.







Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.

He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: 「My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks.」


然後他解開那捆柴,一根根地放在他們手裡,如此一來,他們便毫不費力地折斷了。於是他就告訴他們說:「孩子們!如果你們大家團結一致,互相幫助,你們就像這捆柴一樣,不能被你們的敵人折斷;但如果你們自行分 裂,你們就將和這些散柴一般,不堪一折了。」


A self-important lion in the jungle tried to make his mastery clear to all.

He was so confident that he paid no attention to the smaller animals and went right up to a bear. He asked the bear, "Who is the king of the jungle?" The bear replied, "Of course you are."

Then the lion asked a tiger the same question. The tiger replied with some reluctance1, "Of course you are." And then he went to ask an elephant. But the elephant would not allow the lion to do so. He suddenly took hold of the lion with his long nose and bounced2 the lion against a tree, leaving him bleeding3 and badly shaken up.

When the lion finally got up, he blamed the elephant and said: "Even if you couldn't answer my question, it's not necessary for you to act so rough4."


它非常自信,對較小的動物不屑一顧,而是直接去問一隻黑熊:「誰是叢林里的大王呀?」 黑熊回答說:「當然是你呀。」




A Fine Match

One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor. She was very afraid of mouse, so she ran out of the house, got into a bus and went to the shops. There she bought a mousetrap. The shopkeeper said to her, "Put some cheese in it and you will soon catch that mouse."

The lady went home with her mousetrap, but when she looked in her cupboard, she could not find any cheese in it. She did not want to go back to the shop, because it was very late, so she cut a picture of some cheese out of a magazine and put that in the trap.

Surprisingly, the picture of the cheese was quite successful! When the lady came down to the kitchen the next morning she found a picture of a mouse in the trap beside the picture of the cheese!






naughty Monkey

It』s very hot. An old man is asleep on the chair. A fly comes and sits on the end of the man』s nose. The old man has a naughty monkey. He chases the fly. The fly comes back again and sits on the old man』s nose again. The monkey chases it away again and again. This happens five or six times. The monkey is very angry. He jumps up, runs to the garden and picks up a large stone. When the fly sits on the old man』s nose again, the monkey hits it hard with the stone. He kills the fly and breaks the old man』s nose.


天氣很熱。一位老人在椅子上睡著了。 一隻蒼蠅飛來落在老人的鼻子上。 老人有一隻頑皮的猴子。猴子在追打蒼蠅。 蒼蠅再次飛落在老人的鼻子上,猴子一再追打蒼蠅。 這樣往返了五六次,猴子很生氣。 他跳著跑到花園,撿起一塊大石頭。 當蒼蠅再次落在老人的鼻子上時,猴子用石頭擊中老人的鼻子上的蒼蠅。他砸死了蒼蠅也打破了老人的鼻子。

㈩ 有哪些英國短篇小說適合英語專業的學生閱讀


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