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B. 有人看過spring《紛飛的童話》嗎 推理小說





C. 求推薦一本文筆優美的英文小說或散文,想靜下心來讀點東西順便學點英語

1. 英國Charles Dickens的A Tale of Two Cities《雙城記》很不錯!講有關於革命的東西。適合男孩看。而且,擾遲一開頭的那一段就很出名:It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of increlity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
2. 美國Bill Bryson的A Short History of Nearly Everything《萬物簡史》搜李圓。一看題目就知道是關於自然科學的通俗讀物。
3. 美國Emest Hemingway的The Old Man and the Sea《世塌老人與海》。很經典。
4 林語堂 吾國吾民 My Country and My People

D. 第一篇:BARREN SPRING(貧瘠的春天)

BARREN SPRING, from The First Wife and Other Stories, by Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, New York, The John Day Company, 1933, pp. 279-283.

Pearl Sydenstricken Buck (1892-1973), American novelist. Her parents were missionaries in China, so she was brought up in our country. She was married, first, to John Lossing Buck, at one time professor of Rural Economics at the University of Nanking. This early part of her life she included in her biography of her mother, in her novel The Exile, published in 1935. In the same year she divorced her husband to marry her present husband Richard J. Walsh, owner of the John Day Publishing House. She still writes under the name of Mrs. Pearl S. Buck. The Good Earth, generally considered as her best novel on China, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1931 for being the best novel published for that year in America.

Liu, the farmer, sat at the door of his one-room house. It was a warm evening in late February, and in his thin body he felt the coming of spring. How he knew that the time had now come when sap should stir in trees and life begin to move in the soil he could not have told himself. In other years it would have been easy enough. He could have pointed to the willow trees about the house, and shown the swelling buds. But there were no more trees now. He had cut them off ring the bitter winter when they were starving for food and he had sold them one by one. Or he might have pointed to the pink-tipped buds of his three peach trees and his six apricot trees that his father had planted in his day so that now, being at the height of their time, they bore a load of fruit every year. But these trees were also gone. Most of all, in any other year than this he might have pointed to his wheat fields, where he planted wheat in the winter when the land was not needed for rice, and where, when spring was moving into summer, he planted the good rice, for rice was his chief crop. But the land told nothing, this year. There was no wheat on it, for the flood had covered it long after wheat should have been planted, and it lay there cracked and like clay but newly dried.

Well, on such a day as this, if he had his buffalo and his plow as he had always had in other years, he would have gone out and plowed up that cracked soil. He ached to plow it up and make it look like a field again, yes, even though he had not so much as one seed to put in it. But he had no buffalo. If anyone had told him that he would eat his own water buffalo that plowed the good land for him, and year after year pulled the stone roller over the grain and threshed it at harvest he would have called that man idiot. Yet it was what he had done. He had eaten his own water buffalo, he and his wife and his parents and his four children, they had all eaten the buffalo together.

But what else could they do on that dark winter's day when the last of their store of grain was gone, when the trees were cut and sold, when he had sold everything, even the little they had saved from the flood, and there was nothing left except the rafters of the house they had and the garments they wore? Was there sense in stripping the coat off one's back to feed one's belly? Besides, the beast was starving also, since the water had covered even the grass lands, and they had had to go far afield to gather even enough to cook its bones and flesh. On that day when he had seen the faces of his old parents set as though dead, on that day when he had heard the crying of his children and seen his little daughter dying, such a despair had seized him as made him like a man without his reason, so that he had gathered together his feeble strength and he had done what he said he never would; he had taken the kitchen knife and gone out and killed his own beast. When he did it, even in his despair, he groaned, for it was as though he killed his own brother. To him it was the last sacrifice.

Yet it was not enough. No, they grew hungry again and there was nothing left to kill. Many of the villagers went south to other places, or they went down the river to beg in the great cities. But he, Liu the farmer, had never begged. Moreover, it seemed to him then that they must all die and the only comfort left was to die on their own land. His neighbor had come and begged him to set forth with them; yes, he had even said he would carry one of the old parents on his back so that Liu might carry the other, seeing that his own old father was already dead. But Liu had refused, and it was well, for in the next two days the old mother was dead, and if she had died on the way he could only have cast her by the roadside lest the others be delayed and more of them die. As it was he could put her safely into their own ground, although he had been so weak that it had taken him three days to dig a hole deep enough for her little old withered body. And then before he could get her buried he and his wife had quarreled over the poor few clothes on the old body. His wife was a hard woman and she would have buried the old mother naked, if he had let her, so as to have the clothes for the children. But he made her leave on the inner coat and trousers; although they were only rags after all, and when he saw the cold earth against his old mother's flesh—well, that was sorrow for a man, but it could not be helped. Three more he had buried somehow, his old father and his baby daughter and the little boy who had never been strong.

That was what the winter's famine had taken from them. It would have taken them all except that in the great pools lying everywhere, which were left from the flood, there were shrimps, and these they had eaten raw and were still eating, although they were all sick with a dysentery that would not get well. In the last day or so his wife had crawled out and g a few sprouting dandelions. But there was no fuel and so they also were eaten raw. But the bitterness was good after the tasteless flesh of the raw shrimps. Yes, spring was coming.

He sat on heavily, looking out over his land. If he had his buffalo back, if he had his plow that they had burned for fuel, he could plow the land. But when he thought of this as he did many times every day, he felt helpless as a leaf tossed upon the flood. The buffalo was gone; gone also his plow and every implement of wood and bamboo, and what other had he? Sometimes in the winter he had felt grateful that at least the flood had not taken all the house as it had so many other houses. But now suddenly it came to him that he could be grateful for nothing, no, not even that he had his life left him and the life of his wife and the two older children. He felt tears come into his eyes slowly as they had not even come when he buried his old mother and saw the earth fall against her flesh, bared by the rags which had comforted him that day. But now he was comforted by nothing. He muttered to himself.

「I have no seed to plant in the land. There the land lies! I could go and claw it up with my hands if I had the seed and the land would bear. I know my good land. But I have no seed and the land is empty. Yes, even though spring comes, we must still starve!」

And he looked, hopeless, into the barren spring.















E. 尋找翻譯成英文的當代中國小說



The "Torrents" Trilogy 《激流三部曲》

* The Family 《家》,1933
* Spring 《春》,1938
* Autumn 《秋》,1940

* Love in a Fallen City (published in October 2006 by New York Review Books) Translated by Karen Kingsbury and Eileen Chang.

* "The Golden Cangue" (金鎖記) is found in Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas, 1919-1949 (ed. Joseph S M Lau et al.)

* Lust, Caution (色,戒) Translated by Julia Lovell. New York: Anchor Books, 2007.

* Naked Earth (tr. of 赤地之戀) Hong Kong: Union Press, 1956.

* The Rice Sprout Song: a Novel of Modern China (tr. of 秧歌 by the author)

* The Rouge of the North (tr. of 怨女)

* Traces of Love and Other Stories

* The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai (Eileen Chang's tr. of Han Bangqing's novel)

* Written on Water (tr. of 流言 by Andrew Jones)


Rice and My Life as Emperor (both tr. Howard Goldblatt)

1. The Book and the Sword - T: 書劍恩仇錄 S: 書劍恩仇錄 (first published on The New Evening Post in 1955)
2. Sword Stained with Royal Blood - T: 碧血劍 S: 碧血劍 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1956)
3. The Legend of the Condor Heroes - T: 射鵰英雄傳 S: 射鵰英雄傳 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1957)
4. Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain - T: 雪山飛狐 S: 雪山飛狐 (first installment appeared on the first issue of Ming Pao in 1959)
5. The Return of the Condor Heroes - T: 神鵰俠侶 S: 神鵰俠侶 (1959)
6. Other Tales of the Flying Fox - T: 飛狐外傳 S: 飛狐外傳 (1960)
7. Swordswoman Riding West on White Horse T: 白馬嘯西風 S: 白馬嘯西風 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
8. Blade-dance of the Two Lovers T: 鴛鴦刀 S: 鴛鴦刀 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
9. Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre - T: 倚天屠龍記 S: 倚天屠龍記 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
10. A Deadly Secret - T: 連城訣 S: 連城訣 (first published on Southeast Asia Weekly 《東南亞周刊》in 1963)
11. Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils - T: 天龍八部 S: 天龍八部 (1963)
12. Ode to Gallantry - T: 俠客行 S: 俠客行 (1965)
13. The Smiling, Proud Wanderer - 笑傲江湖 (first published on Ming Pao in 1967)
14. The Deer and the Cauldron - T: 鹿鼎記 S: 鹿鼎記 (1969-1972)
15. Sword of the Yue Maiden - T: 越女劍 S: 越女劍 (1970)

F. 求好看的都市言情小說。我的郵箱[email protected]。謝啦謝啦。

已經發到你郵箱了哦 注意查收呀

G. 推薦幾部好看的魔幻小說 比如《魔戒》、《遺產三部曲》...這類的

《冰與火之歌》(A Song of Ice and Fire)是由美國著名科幻奇幻小說家喬治·R·R·馬丁(George R.R. Martin)所著的史詩奇幻小說,是當代奇幻文學一部影響深遠的里程碑式的作品。於1996年初問世時,便以別具一格的結構、浩瀚遼闊的視野、錯落有致的情節和生動活潑的語言,迅速征服了歐美文壇。迄今,本作已被譯為三十多種文字,並在各個國家迭獲大獎。作品主要描述了在一片虛構的中世紀大陸上所發生的一系列相互聯系的宮廷斗爭、疆場廝殺、游歷冒險和魔法抗衡的故事,全書七卷(已出版到第五卷)渾然一體,共同組成了一幅壯麗而完整的畫卷。
《權力的游戲/ A Game of Thrones》 (1996)
《列王的紛爭/ A Clash of Kings》(1998)
《冰雨的風暴/ A Storm of Swords》(2000)
《群鴉的盛宴/ A Feast for Crows》(2005)
《魔龍的狂舞/ A Dance with Dragons》 (2011)
《凜冬的寒風/ The Winds of Winter》
《春曉的夢想/ A Dream of Spring》[1]




H. 推薦一些西方奇幻小說


伯特·霍華(Robert E. Howard 1906-1936)
《蠻王科南》(Conan the Barbarian)系列

克利夫·史戴普·路易斯(Clive Staple Lewis, C.S. Lewis)
《納尼亞年代記》(Chronicles of Narnia):
《獅王女巫與衣櫥》(The Lion, the witch and the wardrobr)
《王子復仇記》 (Prince Caspian)
《晨曦號探險記》 (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader)
《銀椅騎士》 (The Silver Chair)
《雙生王子》 (The Horse and His Boy)
《魔法師的指環》 (The Magician』s Nephew)
《最後的戰爭》 (The Last Battle)

托爾金(John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,也就是J.R.R. Tolkien 1892-1973)
《精靈之鑽》(The Silmarillion)
《小矮人歷含友仔險記》談汪 (The Hobbit,1937,沿用台灣聯經出版社譯名)
《魔戒之王三部曲》(The Lord of the Rings,1954):
《旅 伴》 (The Fellowship of the Ring)
《雙 塔》 (The Two Towers)
《國王歸來》 (The Return of The King)
泰瑞·布魯克斯(Terry Brooks 1944-)
沙娜拉三部曲(The Shannara Trilogy):
《沙娜拉之劍》 (The Sword of Shannara,1977)
《沙娜拉的精靈石告瞎》 (The Elfstone of Shannara)
《沙娜拉的希望之歌》(The Wishsong of Shannara)
沙娜拉遺產(The Heritage of Shanara):
《沙娜拉後裔》 (The Scions of Shannara)
《沙娜拉的德魯伊》 (The Druid of Shannara)
《沙娜拉的精靈後》 (The Elf Queen of Shannara)
《沙娜拉的護身符》 (The Talismans of Shannara)
《第一個沙娜拉王》 (The First King of Shannara,1996)
《藍道佛王國》(Kingdom of Landover)系列

雷蒙·E·費斯特(Raymond E.Feist)
《時空裂隙之戰》(Rift War)系列:
《魔法師——學徒》 (Magician:Apprentice)
《魔法師——大師》 (Magician:Master)
《銀 刺》 (Silverthorn)
《塞散農的黑暗》 (Darkness at Sethannon)
時空裂隙之戰傳奇:(Rift War Legacy)
《血之皇子》 (Prince of the Blood)
《國王麾下的海盜》 (The King's Buccaneer)
《蛇人之戰四書》:(Serpentwar Saga)
《暗後之影》 (Shadow of a Dark Queen)
《商業巨子的誕生》(Rise of a Merchant Prince)
《魔王之怒》 (Rage of a Demon King)
《王冠碎片》 (Shard of Broken Crown)

羅伯特·喬丹(Robert Jordan 1948-)
《時光之輪》(The Wheel Of Time)系列:
《世界之眼》 (The Eye of the World)
《獵尋千里》 (The Great Hunt)
《再生之龍》 (The Dragon Reborn)
《叛亂之影》 (The Shadow Rising)
《天堂之火》 (The Fires of Heaven)
《混沌之主》 (Lord of Chaos)
《劍之冠》 (A Crown of Swords)
《匕首之路》 (A Path of Dagger)
《科南的新冒險》 (The new adventures of Conan)
《毀滅者科南》 (Conan the Destroyer)
《保衛者科南》 (Conan the Defender)
《勝利者科南》 (Conan the Victorious)
《無敵者科南》 (Conan the Invincible)
《不敗者科南》 (Conan the Unconquered)
《凱旋者科南》 (Conan the Triumphant)
《華麗的科南》 (Conan the Magnificent)
法隆(Fallon Series)系列:
《法隆的遺產》 (The Fallon Legacy)
《法隆的驕傲》 (The Fallon Pride)
《法隆的血脈》 (The Fallon Blood)

崔西·西克曼(Tracy Hickman)和瑪格莉特·魏絲 (Margret Weis)
龍槍編年史(DragonLance Chronicles):
《秋暮之巨龍》(Dragon of Autumn Twilight)
《冬夜之巨龍》(Dragons of Winter Night)
《春曉之巨龍》(Dragons of Spring Dawning)
龍槍傳奇(Dragonlance Legends):
《孿生子的時光》(Time of the Twins)
《孿生子的戰爭》(War of the Twins)
《孿生子的試練》(Test of the Twins)
龍槍軼事(Dragonlanee Tales):
《坎德人、溪谷矮人和侏儒》(Kender, Gully dwarves and Gnomes)
《克萊恩的魔法》 (Magic og Krynn)
《愛與戰爭》 (Love and War)
《暗黑之劍的鑄造》(Forging of the Darksword)
《暗黑之劍的毀滅》(Doom of the Darksword)
《暗黑之劍的勝利》(Triumph of the Darksword)
《死亡之門》(Death Gate Cycle)系列

安·萊絲(Anne Rice)
《吸血鬼紀事》(The Vampire Chronicles)系列:
《夜訪吸血鬼》(Interview with the Vampire,1976)
《吸血鬼自傳》(The Vampire Lestat)
《詛咒皇後》 (The Queen of the Damned)
《竊身危機》 (The Tale of the Body Thief)
《惡魔契約》 (Memnoch the Devil)
《女巫一族》三部曲(Lives of the Mayfair Witches):
《巫異時刻》 (The Witching Hour)
《惡魔萊修》 (Lasher)
《非我族類》 (Taltos)
《骨 役》(Servant of the Bones)
《古墓疑雲》(The Mummy, or Ramses the Damned)
《聖餐會》(The Feast of All Saints)
《天 泣》(Cry to Heaven)
《琴 欲》(Violin)

薩爾瓦托(R. A. Salvatore)
《冰風谷叄部曲》 (The Ice wind Dale Trilogy)
《黑暗精靈叄部曲》(The Dark Elf Trilogy)
大衛·艾汀斯(David Eddings 1931-)
《貝爾加雷德》(The Belgariad)系列:
《預言》 (Pawn of Prophecy)
《魔法女王》 (Queen of Sorcery)
《魔法師的賭注》 (Magician's Gambit)
《巫術城堡》 (Castle of Wizardry)
《法師的最後游戲》 (Enchanters' end Game)
《馬羅理安》(The Mallorean)系列:
《西方的守護者》 (Guardians of the West)
《穆爾古斯之王》 (King of the Murgos)
《卡蘭達的魔王》 (Demon Lord of Karanda)
《達西瓦的女法師》 (Sorceress of Darshiva)
《開爾的女先知》 (Seeress of Kell)
《艾倫尼安》(The Elenium)系列:
《鑽石寶座》 (The Diamond Throne)
《紅寶石騎士》 (The Ruby Knight)
《藍寶石的玫瑰》 (The Sapphire Rose)
《塔木里》(The Tamuli)系列:
《火頂之城》 (Domes of Fire)
《光之一族》 (The Shining Ones)
《密藏之城》 (The Hidden City)
其 他:
《萊文之書》 (The Rivan Codex)
《女法師波加拉》 (Polgara the Sorceress)
《男法師貝爾加萊斯》(Belgarath the Sorcerer)
《失敗者》 (The Losers)
《急速獵殺》 (The High Hunt)

泰瑞·古德坎(Terry Goodkind 1949-)
《真理之劍》(Sword of Truth)系列:
《巫師第一守則》 (Wizard's First Rule,1994)
《淚之石》 (Stone of Tears)
《聖血會》 (Blood of the Fold)
《風之聖殿》 (Temple of the Winds)
《烈火之魂》 (Souls of Fire)

喬治·馬汀(George R. R. Martin)
《冰與火之歌》(A Song of Ice and Fire)

愛麗絲·波兒查特(Alice Borchardt)
《變形人》(The Shapeshifter Series)系列:
《銀狼》(The Silver Wolf)
《狼夜》(Night of the Wolf)�


I. 誰給推薦幾部小說!

龍與地下城(Dungeons & Dragons)
│ ├—折磨(Torment)
│ ├—痛苦之頁(Pages of Pain)
│ 血腥戰爭三部曲(Blood Wars Trilogy)
│ ├—1.血戰人質
│ ├—2.深淵武士
│ └—3.位面之力
├—浩劫殘陽(Dark Sun)
│ ├—一人部落三部曲
│ ├—五棱鏡
│ └—阿塔斯歷代記
│ 擴ざ先
│ └—龍王興衰錄
│ ├—Against the Giants
│ ├—City of Hawks
│ ├—Come Endless Darkness
│ ├—Dance of Demons
│ ├—Descent into the Depths of the Earth
│ ├—Keep on the Borderlands
│ ├—Knight Arrant
│ ├—Master Wolf
│ 擴 ueen of the Demonweb Pits
│ ├—Saga of Old City
│ ├—Sea of Death
│ ├—The Artifact of Evil
│ ├—The Demon Hand
│ ├—The Eyes Have It
│ ├—The Name of the Game
│ ├—The Price of Power
│ ├—The Temple of Elemental Evil
│ └—White Plume Mountain
├—被遺忘的國度(Forgotten Realms)
│ ├—伊爾明斯特之旅三部曲扮信坦(Elminster's Travels)
│ │ ├—1.伊爾明斯特_法師之路
│ │ ├—2.伊爾明斯特在米斯.扎諾爾
│ │ └—3.伊爾明斯特的誘惑
│ ├—冰風溪谷三部曲(Icewind Dale)
│ │ ├—1.The Crystal Shard
│ │ ├—2.Streams of Silver
│ │ └—廳桐3.侏儒的寶石(The Halfling's Gem)
│ ├—發現者之石三部曲
│ ├—天神凡身三部曲(Avatar Trilogy)
│ ├—失落帝國系列坦拿
│ ├—豎琴者系列
│ ├—馬茲卡三部曲
│ ├—魔池三部曲
│ └—黑暗精靈三部曲(Dark Elf Trilogy)
│ ├—1.故土
│ ├—2.流亡
│ └—3.旅居
│ ├—我,斯托德(I, Strahd)
│ ├—迷霧之地的吸血鬼(Vampire of the Mists)
│ ├—黑玫瑰邪鬼(Spectre of the Black Rose)
│ └—黑玫瑰騎士(Knight of the Black Rose)
│ └—披風之主軌道號系列
│ ├—1.月球遠端
│ ├—2.航入虛空
│ └—5.破碎晶系
│ ├—1.秋暮之巨龍(Dragons of Autumn Twilight)
│ ├—2.冬夜之巨龍(Dragons of Winter Night)
│ ├—3.春曉之巨龍(Dragons of Spring Dawning)
│ ├—4.收藏版(Chronicles Collector's Edition)
│ └—5.評注版(The Annotated Dragonlance Chronicles)
├—02.夏焰之巨龍(Dragons of Summer Flame)
├—03.靈魂之戰三部曲(the War of Soul)
│ ├—1.落日之巨龍(Dragons of a Fallen Sun)
│ ├—2.隕星之巨龍(Dragons of a Lost Star)
│ └—3.隱月之巨龍(Dragons of a Vanished Moon)
│ ├—1.時光之卷(Time of the Twins)
│ ├—2.戰爭之卷(War of the Twins)
│ └—3.試煉之卷(Test of the Twins)
│ ├—1.大平原之子(Children of the Plain)
│ ├—2.龍之兄弟(Brother of the Dragon)
│ └—3.!!!
│ ├—1.克萊恩的魔法(The Magic of Krynn)
│ ├—2.坎德人、古力矮人和侏儒(Kender,Gully Dwarves,and Gnomes)
│ ├—3.愛情與戰爭(Love and War)
│ ├—4.伊斯塔的統治(The Reign of Istar)
│ ├—5.大災變(The Cataclysm)
│ ├—6.長槍之戰(The War of the Lance)
│ ├—7.傳說精選(The Best of Tales)
│ └—8.英雄系列(Heroes)
│ ├—1.修瑪的傳說(The Legend of Huma)
│ ├—2.暴風之劍(Stormblade)
│ ├—3.鼬鼠的好運氣(Weasel's Luck)
│ ├—4.米諾陶斯人卡茲(Kaz,the Minotaur)
│ ├—5.索巴丁之門(The Gates of Thorbardin)
│ └—6.騎士加倫(Galen Beknighted)
│ ├—1.黑暗和光明(Darkness and Light)
│ ├—2.坎德摩爾(Kendermore)
│ ├—3.瑪哲理兄弟(Brothers Majere)
│ ├—4.平原之子河風(Riverwind,The Plainsman)
│ ├—5.佛林特國王(Flint,The King)
│ └—6.陰影年代的坦尼斯(Tanis,The Shadow Years)
├—08.精靈國度三部曲(Elven Nations)
│ ├—1.初生(First Born)
│ ├—2.鬩牆之戰(The Kinslayer War)
│ └—3.奎靈那斯提(The Qualinesti)
├—09.會面六重奏系列(Meetings Sextet)
│ ├—1.家族精神(Kindred Spirits)
│ ├—2.流浪癖(Wanderlust)
│ ├—3.黑暗之心(Dark Heart)
│ ├—4.誓言和標准(The Oath and the Measure)
│ ├—5.鋼和石(Steel and Stone)
│ └—6.同伴(The Companions)
├—10.矮人國度三部曲(Dwarven Nations)
│ ├—1.鑄造之盟約(Covenant of the Forge)
│ ├—2.鑄造之盟約(Covenant of the Forge)
│ └—3.劍源卷軸(The Swordsheath Scroll)
│ ├—1.面具之前(Before the Mask)
│ ├—2.黑翼(The Black Wing)
│ ├—3.安 』實?Emperor of Ansalon)
│ ├—4.大神官韓德瑞克(Hederick the Theocrat)
│ ├—5.大地精投德(Lord Toede)
│ └—6.黑暗之後(The Dark Queen)
├—12.巨龍文集三部曲(Dragons Anthologies)
│ ├—1.克萊恩之巨龍(Dragons of Krynn)
│ ├—2.戰爭之巨龍(Dragons at War)
│ └—3.混亂之巨龍(Dragons of Chaos)
├—13.魔法守護者三部曲(Defenders of Magic)
│ ├—1.黑夜之眼(Night of the Eye)
│ ├—2.美杜莎災難(The Mesa Plague)
│ └—3.第七哨兵(The Seventh Sentinel)
├—14.失落的歷史系列(Lost Histories)
│ ├—1.皇冠騎士(Knights of the Crown)
│ ├—2.馬奎絲塔.卡松(Maquesta Kar-Thon)
│ ├—3.聖劍騎士(Knights of the Sword)
│ ├—4.泰洛斯.艾昂菲爾德(Theros Ironfield)
│ ├—5.玫瑰騎士(Knights of the Rose)
│ ├—6.索斯爵士(Lord Soth)
│ └—7.任性騎士(The Wayward Knights)
│ ├—1.黑袍達拉瑪(Dalamar the Dark)
│ ├—2.塔西斯的謀殺案(Murder in Tarsis)
│ ├—3.要塞(The Citadel)
│ └—4.遺產(the Inheritance)
├—17.混亂之戰系列(chaos war)
│ ├—1.毀滅旅隊(The Doom Brigade)
│ ├—2.龍人的尺度(Draconian Measures)
│ ├—3.最後的領主(the Last Thane)
│ ├—4.夜空之淚(Tears of the Night Sky)
│ ├—5.傀儡國王(the Puppet King)
│ ├—6.血海的掠奪者(Reavers of the Blood Sea)
│ └—7.無關山脈之圍(The Siege of Mt. Nevermind)
├—18.新時代巨龍系列(Dragons of a New Age)
│ ├—1.新時代的曙光(The Dawning of a New Age)
│ ├—2.暴風雨之日(the Day of the Tempest)
│ └—3.漩渦前夜(The Eve of the Maelstrom)
│ —盜賊行會(The thieves' Guild)
│ ├—隱秘的圓周(The Clandestine Circle)
│ └—龍之詐騙(Dragon's Bluff)
├—20.失落的傳說系?Lost Legends)
│ ├—1.威納斯.索蘭那斯(Vinas Solamnus)
│ ├—2.費斯坦但提勒斯的再生(Fistandantilus Reborn)
│ └—3.崔普施普林格叔叔的故事(Tales of Uncle Trapspringer)
├—21.第五紀元傳說系列(Tales of the Fifth Age)
│ ├—1.反抗和暴君(Rebels and Tyrants)
│ ├—2.英雄和笨蛋(Heroes and Fools)
│ └—3.崩潰和預兆(Relics and Omens)
├—22.雷斯林三部曲(Raistlin Chronicles)
│ ├—1.靈魂熔爐(The Soulforge)
│ ├—2.手足兄弟(Brothers in Arms)
│ └—3.!!!
├—23.時代的橋梁系列(Bridges of Time)
│ ├—1.風之精神(Spirit of the Wind)
│ ├—2.斯蒂爾的遺產(Legacy of Steel)
│ ├—3.銀梯(The Silver Stair)
│ ├—4.玫瑰和骷髏(The Rose and the Skull)
│ └—5.德茲拉的任務(Dezra's Quest)
├—24.讀者之友系列(Reader's Companion)
│ └—吉爾賽那斯的冒險史詩(The Odyssey of Gilthanas)
├—25.達蒙正史三部曲(Dhamon Saga)
│ ├—1.衰落(Downfall)
│ ├—2.出賣(Betrayal)
│ └—3.!!!
│ ├—1.使者(The Messenger)
│ ├—2.!!!
│ └—3.!!!
└—第二代(The Second Generation)

J. 托馬斯納什的作品有哪些


在伊麗莎白時代 ,英國文藝復興進入了繁盛階段 ,詩歌的創作發展也達到了高峰。眾多的詩歌精品絢麗多姿 ,異彩紛呈 ,尤如璀燦的明星 ,托馬斯納什的《春》便是其中的一顆明星。在本首詩中,詩人運用了豐富多彩的意象,糅合了動態和靜景,還運用了腹韻和五步抑揚格的韻律。


thomas nashe 托馬斯·納什


spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king;

then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,

cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing,

cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!






the palm and may make country houses gay,

lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day,

and we hear aye birds tune this merry lay,

cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!





the fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet,

young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,

in every street these tunes our ears do greet,

cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!

spring! the sweet spring!










納什還與本·瓊森合著《犬島》(1597年),這是一部諷刺政府的喜劇。兩人還續寫了克里斯多佛·馬洛生前未完成的悲劇《迦太基女王黛朵》(Dido, Queen of Carthage),使其成為一部完整的作品。

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